
Everyone has the right to equal opportunities for work, play, health and success. For people living with a disability, the challenges of pursuing those opportunities are numerous. December 3rd is International Day of Persons with Disabilities, offering a chance to examine — and work to remove — the barriers people face. This internationally recognised day offers ways to break down barriers and enable people to live their best lives.

Creating an inclusive, accessible and sustainable healthcare system is essential to securing the rights of people with disabilities. During the pandemic, pre-existing inequalities may have become even worse, as people with disabilities were already less likely to access healthcare, education, employment and community participation.1 As restrictions to limit the spread of COVID-19 were implemented in many countries, the increase in social isolation likely reduced access to care and created a lack of emergency resources for people with special needs.2

International Day of Persons with Disabilities an opportunity for people to embrace alternative paths to care such as virtual options. Addressing disparities and creating better ways forward will take a group effort but can benefit everyone in the long run.3

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